Thursday, 10 January 2013

The Trillion Dollar Coin: The Zimbabwe Dream of the Obama-heads

Why do banks spend money making sure that their branches look good and solid? Why do banks spend even more money making sure their main offices look as solid and stately and settled as ancient temples?

Is this what Yglesias
and the Obama-heads
have in mind?
Why, to give the illusion of solidity. Because in finance, the illusion of solidity begets solidity—just as the appearance of banana republic-dom begets a banana republic.

The trillion dollar coin idea floating around out there is the dumbest idea ever—but it’s also dangerous for two reasons: It is a naked power grab by the executive, and it shatters the illusion of solidity and sense in the monetary system.

Matt Yglesias over at Slate is fervently in favor of the trillion dollar coin idea, and he gives as good a précis as any of the situation.
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